Dr Jenny Lynden is a Chartered Psychologist, Registered Test User (Occupational, Ability and Personality) and a Member of the British Psychological Society’s Division in Coaching Psychology. She has a particular specialism in supporting coachee health and well-being, and has seen how coaching can support transformational change, particularly in the areas of enhancing health and wellbeing, stress management, managing perfectionism and procrastination, as well as developing assertive skills.
Jenny integrates a number of coaching approaches so that her practice best fits what her coachees find most useful. In particular, Jenny uses solution focused coaching, cognitive-behavioural coaching and positive psychology coaching approaches (more information on FQA page). Jenny has extensive experience of providing one-to-one coaching, as well as experience of developing online webinars to support health and well-being at work. For example, Jenny developed an innovative programme of webinars for the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology in 2017, which drew on evidence to support a discussion about effective interventions to promote well-being at work. Jenny also co-designed and co-facilitated online Vetkind seminars in 2018 and 2019, sponsored by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Mind Matters, to engage veterinary students in promoting their health and wellbeing.
Jenny has undertaken research which has developed an understanding of how coaching skills can enhance practitioner-client partnership working in healthcare and veterinary contexts as well research into how coaches and coachees communicate with each other online.
Jenny has trained at the Centre for Coaching and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in London, holds a Diploma in Coaching Psychology and Certificates in Stress Management and Performance Coaching, and Positive Psychology Coaching. Jenny receives supervision from a Chartered Psychologist and Registered Supervisor with the British Psychological Society.
Selected Publications
Selected Presentations and Workshops
Lynden, J., Hollands, T., & Ogden, J. (2020). A farrier making every contact count: a microlevel analysis of farrier-client interaction for partnership working in managing a horse with laminitis. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 102924. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2020.102924
Lynden, J., Ogden, J., & Hollands, T. (2018). Contracting for care–the construction of the farrier role in supporting horse owners to prevent laminitis. Equine Veterinary Journal, 50, 658-666 https://doi.org/10.1111/evj.12950
Lynden, J., Ogden, J. & Hollands, T. (2018). “New research study finds that some farriers are supporting horse owners to prevent laminitis”, Forge, September 2018: pp20-22.
Lynden, J., Ogden, J. & Hollands, T. (2017). “The farrier’s role in supporting horse owners to prevent and manage laminitis – a progress report’, Forge, May 2017: pp32-35.
Lynden J. & Avery, R. E. (2016). Workplace telephone coaching conversations: a unique institutional practice as revealed through interpretive and empiricist multi-method approaches, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 9:1, 5-23, DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2015.1105835
Lynden, J., Parkinson, S., Western-Williams, H. and Williams, A. (2013). Monsters and demons? A discourse analysis of higher education students’ constructions of motivation for study tasks, Open University, Knowledge Network.
Lynden, J. (December, 2017) Farriers making every contact count in supporting horse owners to prevent and manage laminitis: a qualitative research study. The 10th Asia for Animals Conference, Changing Human Behaviour, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Lynden, J. (May, 2017) Developing powerful communication skills which have an impact on everyday workplace conversations. Division of Occupational Psychology, The British Psychological Society, Online.
Lynden, J. (May, 2017) Laminitis Supporting Understanding, Prevention and Care. House & Jackson Equine Veterinary Practice, Essex, Joint Equine Vet and Farrier CPD workshop.
Lynden, J. (April, 2017) Making Every Contact Count & Difficult Client Encounters. Voorjaarsdagen 50th Anniversary European Veterinary Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Lynden, J. (2014, December). Exploring telephone coaching conversations: a multi-method approach. Paper presented at the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology 4th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, Bloomsbury, London, UK.
Lynden, J. (2008, June). Online action learning using FlashMeeting. Workshop held at the Sussex Learning Network Second elearning and Technology Conference, Bramber House, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
Lynden, J. & Taylor, C. (2008, February). On-line action learning sets project. Workshop presented at the SLN eLearning Project: Exploring Learning Technologies Conference, Brighton Creativity Centre, University of Brighton, Sussex, UK.